Kod źródłowy modułu watchdog_kj_kultura.staticpages.templatetags.staticpages_tags

import re

from django import template
from django.utils.html import mark_safe, escape

register = template.Library()

RE_MAP = re.compile(r'\[map\]\s*([^"\n]+)\s*\[\/map\]', re.DOTALL)

TEMPLATE = """<div class="magnifier">
    <a href="{0}">
        <img src="{0}" class="img-responsive" />

def repl(match):
    return TEMPLATE.format(match.group(1))

[dokumenty]def render_page_with_shortcode(context, value, safe=False): """The function to essential render text of static pages with shortcodes. Replace occurences of [map]x[/map] to HTML code. Decorated with ``register.simple_tag``. Parameters ---------- context : dict context of template value : a string to render A string to render safe : bool, optional Treat input as safe Returns ------- str -- rendered """ if safe is False: value = escape(value) return mark_safe(RE_MAP.sub(repl, value))